4 Inch Touch Screen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

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This monitor is specially designed for Raspberry Pi.First use requires some configuration SC009 1.png


Download the image you need by accessing the Raspberry Pi official tool
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The following page pops up after the tool installation.
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Click "CHOOSE OS" to choose the control system.
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Click "WRITE" to start writing in the system. Please wait for a moment.
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  1. The good use of the screen requires you to install a driver and you can do it by connecting to RPi via ssh.
    • Create an empty file named "ssh" without a suffix in the directoy /boot.
    • SC009 7.png
  2. Connect the RPi & the screen as shown. Align the pin header on the RPi with that on the screen.
  3. SC009 8.png

  4. Insert the SD card into the SD slot on RPi. Then plug the RPi power adapter and network cable.
  5. The RPi starts as soon as it's connected to the power supply. Next, you can find your RPi ip.
  6. Got the ip, you can use putty tool to control RPi remotely via ssh remote connection.
  7. The terminal page appears once you click open. By default, the ID is "pi" and the password is "raspberry". Note the alphabetic case.
  8. Note: The password characters are hidden when you are entering.
    SC009 10.png

  9. Type in the following commands in order. Press "Enter" once each time you've finished one line.
    1. sudo rm -rf LCD-show
    2. git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git
    3. chmod -R 755 LCD-show
    4. cd LCD-show/
    5. sudo ./MHS40-show

    The above commands executed, the system restarts automatically for display and touch in good condition.