3.5 Inch LCD Touch Screen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

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3.5 Inch LCD Touch Screen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

<img src="" />


This 3.5 Inch LCD touch screen monitor can be applied to Raspberry Pi 1 model B and B+, 2 model B and 3 model B.

Operation Procedures

Download the simplified installation package below (or <a href="LCD-show.tar.gz">here</a>). Transfer it to the Raspberry Pi.

Finish the installation with Installation Guide which comes along with the product.

Touch Screen Calibration

  1. If there's any deviations of the touch screen, you need to calibrate it. On the touch screen, use a mouse, to click Menu, -> Preference -> Calibrate Touchscreen. <img src="1.png" />
  2. Then the screen will show 4 points. You need to tap them one by one to calibrate. <img src="" />
  3. After calibration, you will get the following. Copy the contents in the red box. <img src="1.jpg" />
  4. In the terminal, type in

    <code>sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf

    Paste what you have copied just now to the file

    Press Ctrl + X, select Y, and then press Enter to save the file

  5. In the terminal, type in

    <code>sudo reboot

After rebooting, the calibration will be done. <img src="" />

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