3.5 Inch LCD Touch Screen Monitor for Raspberry Pi

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Transfer it to the Raspberry Pi. </p> <p>Finish the installation with <strong>Installation Guide</strong> which comes along with the product.</p> <h3>Touch Screen Calibration</h3> <ol> <li>If there's any deviations of the touch screen, you need to calibrate it. On the touch screen, use a mouse, to click <strong>Menu</strong>, -> <strong>Preference</strong> -> <strong>Calibrate Touchscreen</strong>. <img src="1.png" /></li> <li>Then the screen will show 4 points. You need to tap them one by one to calibrate. <img src="" /></li> <li>After calibration, you will get the following. Copy the contents in the red box. <img src="1.jpg" /></li> <li> <p>In the terminal, type in </p> <pre><code>sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf </code></pre> <p>Paste what you have copied just now to the file</p> <p>Press <strong>Ctrl</strong> + <strong>X</strong>, select <strong>Y</strong>, and then press <strong>Enter</strong> to save the file</p> </li> <li> <p>In the terminal, type in</p> <pre><code>sudo reboot </code></pre> </li> </ol> <p>After rebooting, the calibration will be done. <img src="" /></p> </body> </html> <!-- This document was created with MarkdownPad, the Markdown editor for Windows (http://markdownpad.com) -->