OLED-SSD1306 Module
SSD1306 is a single-chip CMOS OLED/PLED driver with controller for organic / polymer light emitting diode dot-matrix graphic display system. It consists of 128 segments and 64commons. This IC is designed for Common Cathode type OLED panel. The SSD1306 embeds with contrast control, display RAM and oscillator, which reduces the number of external components and power consumption. It has 256-step brightness control. It is suitable for many compact portable applications, such as Smart watch,eal-time image display of camera on smart car,Battery management device,etc.
- For OLED-SSD1306, a more elaborate and beautiful screen than LCD, with more functions
- High contrast, thus supporting clear display With no need of backlight
- Working voltage: 2.7V - 5.5V; PCB size: 2.8 x 3.2cm
- Standard double-sided printed circuit board, 1.16mm thick, with an elegant layout, 3-mm holes at two corners for easy fixing
- Low power consumption: 0.04W during normal operation
Step1:Connecting circuit
- SSD1306 ------- Arduino Uno board
- GND --------- GND
- VCC ------- 5V
- SCL ------- A5
- SDA ------- A4
- SSD1306 ------- Arduino Uno board
Step2:Install the Arduino IDE in your computer.For detailed steps,refer to
Step3:Loading U8glib library.
Through the links at the bottom of the page to download U8glib.zip and unzip.Open Graphics_Test.ino,in the Arduino IDE, import the library from the "Add Library" Menu.
Find the u8glib folder you just extracted,clink open.
Step4:Upload the sketch.Before clicking the Upload (right arrow button) icon, set the Port and Board under Tools menu.